LWV HD 66A & 66B Candidate Forum October 11th

The League of Women Voters of St Paul Minnesota put on a forum for 2 House Districts at the same time. This is an extremely lazy practice they have done. There should be separate forums for each House District. The way they have presented it there’s really only 2 distinct viewpoints and they get repeated in the second House District.

The League of Women Voters of St Paul is putting this on with their Roseville Area Chapter.

Moderator: Susan Johnson

HD 66A Candidates:

Rep Leigh Finke (DFL incumbent), Fadil Jama (Republican)

HD 66B Candidates:

Rep Athena Hollins (DFL Incumbent), Greg Copeland (Republican)

As in previous Forum videos I’m going to put in time stamps of when from the start of the video to what questions were asked. Though when I was watching part of this live, the audio wasn’t matching the video. Candidates mouths were moving but the audio was slightly behind or ahead of the video. It was a bit like watching Kung Fu Theatre where the dubbed vocals don’t match the lips of the actors. So I’m going to mark when you “hear” a question is asked by the moderator rather than when the visuals start. Hopefully they’ll have cleaned this up from the livestream.

Also I’ll limit my comments only when the DFL incumbents spew out misinformation, or propaganda that I detected to be different from normal political rhetoric. I will point out when the Republicans say something that’s not correct to, but I suspect I won’t have to.

A note about the set up here is they have put both A & B Candidates of one party at one table and the other party at another table. One would think you would put one district together and the other at another table, or have one long table. Since the LWV have no oversight or standards to conform to, one can never expect them to do anything proper.  Maybe the incumbents are sharing the same notes as they can’t function without some help from the other.

When & What Questions Were Asked

0 to 14:40  Introductory music played until the visuals begin. It doesn’t seem like anyone is saying anything nor is the closed captions are started. (Seems as if the recording they are using keeps repeating or skipping and plays the same riff over and over again)

15:37  The camera focuses on the Moderator, but there’s no sound yet.

16:27 the first sound from the Moderator is heard. Yet the volume is low and rises and falls as if some child is playing with the sound dial. Susan reads her script about rules and how they are nonpartisan that no Republican in town believes because of past behavior and how they coddle their candidates by not asking tough questions that might give an advantage to a Republican candidate.

18:39  Rep Leigh Finke is introduced

18:45  Fadil Jama is introduced

18:51  Greg Copeland is introduced

18:55 Rep Athena Hollins is introduced

21:00 Rep Leigh Finke’s Opening Statement (HD 66A)

He mentions that he serves in the DFL House, but while the DFL may be in the majority, the Minnesota State House of Representatives is not called the “DFL House.”

A note the visuals on the recording are some seconds ahead of the audio, so as I noted above I’m time stamping when the audio is heard rather than the visuals.

23:16  Fadil Jama’s Opening Statement (HD 66A)

25:23  Greg Copeland’s Opening Statement (HD 66B)

27:38  Rep Athena Hollins Opening Statement (HD 66B)

29:45 Question 1: Education is on the mind of our audience, many studies have shown that after the pandemic our school age children are scoring historic lows in reading math competency. teacher pay is low as is teacher retention. What can the state do to improve educational outcomes for our school age children?

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2024 #ProLifeSunday Happy Friends and Colleagues Day October 20, 2024

Call up your friends and thank them for being there when no one else was there for you.

Why Celebrate a day for Friends & Colleagues?

On an average day you spend a third of your day with your colleagues at work; and friends give you advice and give you some breathing space in forms of athletic outings or fun activities.  Let’s face it not everyone is married and friends are the life line for many single people.  Paul had Barnabas, and Jesus had 12 main disciples who were friends and also his colleagues.

Life would be so bland without your friends.  So why not say thank you to them for enriching your life?

Remember Peanuts’ creator Charles Schultz was from St Paul MN

Nationally there are only 3 recognized holidays that bolster the love and admiration of the family:  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Grandparents Day.  We are the party of Judeo-Christian Family Values.  We want to bring attention to the parts of the family that are often forgotten.  In July we celebrated Aunts & Uncles, in August we celebrated Brothers Sisters & Cousins, and now we are celebrating our Friends and Colleagues–that other family we spend a third of our day with.

Why on the 3rd Sunday of October?

Well because we can, but to have at least a full month since Grandparents Day to get ready, also because the 2nd Sunday is closest to Columbus Day.

Colleagues are at work who share the load of a project.  They know you almost as well as your family knows you.  They challenge you to do your very best in the work you do.  They chip in your contribution for pizza on occasion when they see you are coming up short.  Work would be more stressful without good colleagues.

I, Publius Jr, want to say to all my political friends (which includes, MNGOP, DFL, Independents, Libertarians, and Christian Republicans, and those from the Veterans Party), non-political friends, Toastmaster friends & mentor, Army Buddies, High School friends, College friends (Iowa State & U of MN), the MN DAV Drivers who took me to and from the VA for Appointments, Metro Transit MN Bus drivers, and my colleagues over the years to include the local reporters from Pioneer Press, Strib, MPR, and blogs, thanks for helping me over the last year; my friends and colleagues on the Ramsey County Elections Absentee Ballot Board; and my friends who just happen to be pastors, priests, and laypersons. John O’Looney a whistleblower in Milton Keynes UK of which I trade emails with a few times during the year. The Veterans and civilians who work at the VA Hospital in Bloomington MN who I worked with in 2019, and also those doctors & nurses at the VA Clinic in Maplewood MN, and those social workers at the VA-CRRC in downtown Minneapolis. One last group I’d like to thank are the friends I haven’t met yet. You don’t know it yet but you will make my day when I feel overwhelmed and you’ll be there to share the burden with me. Thanks.  ~~ Publius Jr


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May Lor Xiong v Rep Betty McCollum, September 28th

This is not set up as a forum nor a debate, but as Marguerite “Margot” Rheinberger explains it is a “Conversation” between the candidates and her, the moderator. Calling her a moderator is a stretch. She at times berates May Lor Xiong, cuts her off and allows extra time for her crony Betty McCollum to answer.

This video was streamed live from 2:30 pm to 3:25 pm on September 28, 2024 from the Valley Access Channel TV Studio (VAC-TV). The Stillwater Gazette

To help people know when and what is asked of the two endorsed candidates, the time stamp from the start of the video and what was the question asked by Margot Rheinberger. I’ve made some comments when Betty McCollum starts to spew misinformation.

When and What is Asked of Rep Betty McCollum (DFL) and May Lor Xiong (Republican)

4:10 Introduction by Margot Rheinberger

5:01 Question 1: Tell us about yourself, any background you would like to share with viewers?

8:08 Question 2: Prior to becoming a Congresswoman what was your political background (directed toward Rep Betty McCollum)?

9:25  Question 3: May [Lor Xiong] do you have any political background experience?

10:18 Question 4: Margot mentions that it is interesting when you are talking to constituents if there are similarities to what people are saying. What are the main issues and concerns of constituents? (Directed toward May Lor Xiong)

13:54 Question 5: My guess is over the years there are diehard fans, um diehard admirers of you (Directed to Rep Betty McCollum)

Betty answers the same question asked of May Lor Xiong as a way of saying “I Do that too,” but she doesn’t.

Betty doesn’t answer the softball question but does some damage control here. Mentioning the Inflation Reduction Act which had nothing to do with inflation but it pushed climate change legislation and made inflation worse. May Lor’s response shows that under Betty people’s lives have gotten worse.

Betty gets “extra time” to talk about abortion and losing reproductive freedom if Trump is elected.

Then she talks about safety in the form of more gun control. She talks about teaching in a classroom after a student had just committed suicide the day before (I wonder how to fact-check this). She wants trigger locks, safe gun storage. Then she lies about what people ask her about hope and opportunity in the economy.

19:19 May Lor Xiong responds to this 5 minute kitchen sink answer by Betty McCollum.

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MN House District 64A & 64B LWV Candidate Forum Sept 17 2024

The League of Women Voters of St Paul Minnesota put on a forum for 2 House Districts at the same time. This is an extremely lazy practice they have done. There should be separate forums for each House District. The way they have presented it there’s really only 2 distinct viewpoints and they get repeated in the second House District.

The League of Women Voters did not use my question about the MN v Blevins MN Supreme Court Opinion about the Duty to Retreat in a Self-Defense situation.

Moderator: Max Sanders

HD 64A Candidates:

Rep Kaohly Her (DFL incumbent), Dan Walsh (Republican)

HD 64B Candidates:

Rep Dave Pinto (DFL Incumbent), Peter Donahue (Republican)

When & What Questions Were Asked

1:54  Introduction of Candidates in HD 64 A

2:04  Introduction of Candidates in HD 64B

3:47  Opening Statement by Dan Walsh 64A (sound is very low)

6:03  Opening Statement by Kaohly Her 64A

7:42  Opening Statement by Dave Pinto 64B (sound is very low)

9:23  Opening Statement by Peter Donahue 64B

11:43  Question 1: Many Working Families identify the increasing cost of housing nationwide as a major hardship. If elected what if anything would do to address this?

16:16  Question 2: Would you describe your plans for making Child Care, Early Learning more affordable for families both in your district and in Minnesota?

20:11  Question 3: The Minnesota Legislature told us that education got a historic boost in state aid $2.3 Billion in 2023. Why are so many school districts claiming they have to make large spending cuts?

Moderator Max Sanders asks Dan Walsh to raise up his microphone a bit.

24:13 Question 4: Many are concerned with gun violence our communities. What legislation if any would you support to meet the need for safe communities?

Both Rep Her & Pinto give misinformation about the number one leading cause of children dying is gun violence. It’s actually abortions (both of them support abortions). The misinformation they are pushing is where minors between 18 & 20 die from gun related deaths. They are not children. For more information on this misinformation being pushed by these two incumbents see Mr Colion Noir’s video at this link here.

Rep Her was the author of the bill on Safe Gun Storage, which failed. Rep Pinto proudly proclaims he is the author of the universal background checks on private sales and says nearly everyone supports background checks. Yet he has often said his law will not stop gun violence. He & Rep Her also counters Dan Walsh comment about how mental health isn’t the cause of gun violence. (If this was a properly run forum Rep Pinto would not be able to respond to a candidate in another district).

28:39  Question 5: Healthcare costs and insurance premiums in Minnesota have continued to rise since the peak of the COVID pandemic. Do you believe the state should play a role in reducing those costs, if so what would you do as a state legislator?

32:57  Question 6: Increased Property Taxes are a challenge for many families. What will you do to keep property tax increases affordable?

What a perverse question. Asking how the state legislature can make property tax increases affordable. Peter Donahue mentions how the current incumbents and the majority party blew through a $17.5 Billion surplus and that the City of St Paul wants to increase your taxes again by 7 percent. It’s odd how Big Government competes with the private sector for the same dollars when Government shouldn’t be a competitor at all.

37:15  Question 7: What are your views on Gender Affirm Care for minors?

Peter Donahue is totally opposed. Rep Pinto is proud of making this state a sanctuary for those who want to do this, he is proud of the ban on conversion therapy counseling (a violation of the 1st amendment’s Religious Freedom). Rep Her denies this care is about puberty blockers or surgeries. She is proud of people living who they identify in their bodies. Dan Walsh says the data on reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers are hidden and not accessible to the public. He says in Europe they don’t allow minors to make this decision up until they are 18.

I wish someone would have said it’s a spiritual health issue and that it’s wrong to sterilize your children, as those kids will probably kill themselves when they realize what they did to themselves. Parents who push this should go to jail for a long time.

40:42  Rep Her has a rebuttal (though this violates the rules as Dan Walsh didn’t mention Rep Her in his reply) and tells Dan Walsh that people who oppose gender affirming care to sit down with a transgender.

41:10  Dan Walsh rebuttal to Rep Her

41:50  Question 8: What more or different actions should the state be doing to address mental health issues especially related to homelessness?

Rep Pinto disagrees with a Peter Donahue, a retired medical researcher about how mental health care isn’t on par with physical healthcare. So says a Ramsey County Prosecutor who has zero experience in the medical field. He seems to have been given a longer chance to give a word salad on how he wants more money spent on mental health.

As a US Army Veteran diagnosed with depression, I have to disagree with this idea we have a mental health crisis. I think we’ve propped up charlatans who have plagiarized teachings from the Bible and passing it off as their own. We are in a spiritual battle and some entrenched politicians are aiding and abetting the wrong side in this spiritual warfare.

46:23  Question 9: When the state has a budget surplus, what should the legislature do with that money? Spend it on programs and services, return it to the taxpayers or a third option?

Both incumbents, Rep Her & Rep Pinto should both be arrested for theft. Rep Pinto replies in what are the needs of the state and apply the money that was overspent to those needs. He’s right about how the Legislature looks at what the state needs but that was figured out in the appropriations bills that went into the state budget. The surplus is money we didn’t use that was appropriated. If one buys an item at a store and it costs $80 and you use a $100 bill, you expect $20 in change returned to you. Instead Reps Pinto & Her are saying they get to go shopping for what they want with that $20. That’s theft and both should be arrested. A Ramsey County Prosecutor should know what theft is.

50:58 Rep Pinto rebuttal is not replying to anyone he’s just getting extra time by the LWV to answer the question because Peter Donahue and Dan Walsh slammed Pinto & Her hard. (LWV are allowing another violation of their own rules).

51:40 Peter Donahue rebuttal to Rep Pinto

52:29  Dan Walsh rebuttal to Rep Pinto (This should not happen as Pinto is in another district)

53:08  Kaohly Her rebuttal to Dan Walsh. She claims she is a fiscal conservative (lol).

54:12  Question 10: Given the US Supreme Court Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade state legislatures are enacting new laws regarding women’s reproductive health issues including access to care and birth control. What measures if any do you think the Minnesota Legislature should enact regarding women’s reproductive health and abortion?

58:23  Peter Donahue rebuttal to Kaohly Her (once again this shouldn’t happen as she is in another district and as this format is a poor way to run a debate) Moderator Sanders admonishes Peter Donahue as his remark he believes is a personal attack when it wasn’t.

58:58 Kaohly Her responds and attacks Dan Walsh’s opinion. Then has a comment about “People with uteruses.” (this is a clear cut personal attack on Dan Walsh, LWV Moderator what are you doing here?)

59:25  Dan Walsh rebuttal to Kaohly Her

1:00:07  Dave Pinto rebuttal to Dan Walsh. Pinto is pushing out an anecdote that is more misinformation than fact (another format issue of addressing someone from another district, also he wasn’t specifically mentioned in any of the opinions nor the rebuttals. Should have a referee on the Moderator here allowing this breaking of forum rules)

1:00:44  Question 11: According to Pew Research Center younger generations are increasingly concerned about climate change. What do you believe the state should be doing to address climate change and broader environmental issues? How would you act on these beliefs if elected to the State House?

Rep Pinto is dipping into a lot of Climate Change marketing misinformation again. Climate change is missing 1 word and when you see it you’ll understand about what climate change is. The missing word is, “Political.” Political Climate Change is duping people into believing they can help lower the temperature of the planet by not doing the things they like to do. It’s getting people to voluntarily stop using their freedom and liberty and instead follow the dictates of an elite group of people; it is voluntary slavery. I’m not a denier, I actually have a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Pinto is just a lawyer working on 2 government pensions.

1:05:39  Question 12: What polices would you pursue to make Minnesota an attractive place to live, work, and raise a family particularly for young adults?

1:10:38  Question 13: Minnesota continues to have some of the nation’s highest economic and social disparities between its white residents and residents of color. What do you believe should be the state’s role in addressing racial disparities?

Kaohly Her gives out some misinformation about how Asian Women (Asia is a huge continent I wonder what she means by Asian Women?) do not earn the same amount of money as men. This is a bogus claim that has been debunked by a variety of people. The best response is from a Person of Color, Thomas Sowell, see how he debunks Rep Her’s claim make less money than men in the same job, click here.

Closing Statements

1:15:32  Peter Donahue (64B Challenger)  We’re in a competition with 49 other states and we’re not doing so well.

1:17:49  Dave Pinto (64B Incumbent) believes the last 2 years were a success

1:19:17  Kaohly Her (64A Incumbent) advocates Big Government

1:20:58 Dan Walsh (64A Challenger) mentions Thomas Sowell and ends with a statement by Saul Alinsky

I mentioned about rules about rebuttals that were violated. Normally in forums or debates, one can’t do a rebuttal unless your name is mentioned in a comment from another candidate. This forum, Max Sanders the moderator, allowed rebuttals to the content of another candidate who wasn’t necessarily running against them in the election.

The content of the questions were very much left wing softball type. The question I submitted would have allowed the Republicans to tee up Rep Pinto on the gun control laws he has advocated and authored that he admits don’t curb gun violence in St Paul.

I thought both Republican candidates did well. Dan Walsh in particular shined in this debate. He had finite answers with verifiable facts from sources one could do research on.

This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, PAC, Republican organization in Minnesota or elsewhere. I was not compensated in any way. I’m posting this as a courtesy to voters who are genuinely interested in finding out what the candidates believe and how they will say they will act when elected. I added some comments to some of the questions and responses. ~~ Publius Jr.

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LWV St Paul Candidate Forums

The League of Liberal Women Voters aka the League of Women Voters of St Paul have posted up when their Forums take place

You can submit questions ahead of time for the moderator to ask the candidates, at this email lwvstpaul@lwvmn.org, or at the forum.

In past years the LLWV will have one long table with all the candidates from the A Side next to the B Side candidates and they will all answer the same questions at the same time. This shows how lazy they are. It would be far more informative that the answers to the questions asked weren’t already answered by the candidates from the other side of the Senate District.

They are also known to not have Microphones for Candidates to be heard in the Forum. The Ward 3 City Council Forum in 2023 was like this. This is odd as the forum took place at SPNN Studios which should have microphones in the building but they didn’t provide any.

There really needs to have a real nonpartisan State Commission that makes sure debates/forums are properly run. The League of Women Voters in St Paul really need to be held accountable for their bias and their lazy set up of these forums. ~~ Publius Jr.

MN House 64 A & B
September 17 ~ 7:00 pm (SPNN TV Studios Map)

Ramsey County Board of Commissioners District 3
September 18 ~ 7:00 pm (SPNN TV Studios Map)

Ramsey County Commissioner District 7
September 19, 2024 ~ 7:00 pm (Maplewood City Hall)
livestream / watch later)

MN House Districts 66A and 66B
September 26, 2024 ~ 7:00 pm (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network Studios)
(livestream / watch later)

All forums will air live on Channel 19 and be recorded and shared on SPNN’s YouTube page. Questions can be submitted in advance to LWV St. Paul at lwvstpaul@lwvmn.org. Written questions will also be welcome from the audience.

Note to Reader:  Have looked for the Forums for the A & B Sides of HD 65 and HD 67 and it’s quite possible the LLWV has determined to not have those forums because as they have spoken in the past there is no interest in having them. This shows their bias and their lazy attitude towards these elections.

We will post the videos of these Forums after they have happened so you can make an informed decision on how much more or how much less Big Government you want in your life. ~~ Publius Jr.

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HD 66B GOP Meet & Greet with All St Paul GOP Candidate & MN Gun Owners Caucus

What:  Meet & Greet All St Paul Republican Candidates with Special Guest MN Gun Owners Caucus

When:  Tuesday, September 24th 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Where:  American Legion Post 577, 1129 Arcade St, St Paul, MN 55106 Map

Cost:  Free Will Donation (suggested $10)

Special Guest: MN Gun Owners Caucus

Many Republican Candidates support the 2nd Amendment but when it comes to the wordage, vocabulary, and rhetoric of Gun Control in political debates they get lost in the weeds.

Each Legislative Year, the MN Gun Owners Caucus, which is a nonpartisan pro-2A, nonprofit organization sends out a survey for Candidates of all stripes to fill out and return. Then those candidates who respond who score A- or above their Political Action Committee will endorse for office.

Scope of the Event

House District 66B Republicans are hosting an event on September 24, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The 7 House District Republican Candidates from St Paul will briefly introduce themselves then seat themselves off from the audience. The MN Gun Owners Caucus will give a presentation on what candidates need to know about the 2nd Amendment and the rhetoric of “Reasonable” Gun Control Laws. A member from that organization will answer questions from the Candidates and from those in the audience. After all the questions are answered there will be a Meet & Greet with the candidates as people from St Paul are encouraged to mingle with them.

This is an event hosted by the HD 66B Republicans, not a MN Gun Owners Caucus Event. If it were the latter then they would invite DFLers to the event, as they are a non-partisan organization, a 501c4.

Candidates Invited to the Event

HD 64A GOP Dan Walsh  walshfor64a.org

HD 64A Republican Dan Walsh

HD 64B GOP Peter Donahue DonahueforMN.com

HD 64B Republican Peter Donahue

HD 65B GOP Mike Hilborn  www.hilbornforminnesota.com

HD 65B Republican Mike HIlborn

HD 66A GOP Fadil Jama FadilJama.com

HD 66A Republican Fadil Jama

HD 66B GOP Greg Copeland  gregcopeland911.wordpress.com

HD 66B Republican Greg Copeland

HD 67A GOP Scott Hesselgrave  www.facebook.com/ScottHesselgrave4MNHouse

HD 67A Republicans Scott Hesselgrave

HD 67B GOP Sharon Anderson  www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson

HD 67A Republican Sharon Anderson

CD4 Republican May Lor Xiong mayformn.com

CD4 Republican Candidate May Lor Xiong

This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, PAC, any Republican organization. I am the website admin for the mnhd66brepublicans.org, so I created their post. I’m posting it as the State Party, nor CD4, nor the SPRCC does any promotional support for Republican Candidates in St Paul. I am not compensated for posting it either. I believe in our Bill of Rights and the encroachment of the Federal, State & Local Governments need to be stopped, and rolled back. I’m a US Army Veteran and believe 2A protects all the other parts of the Bill of Rights. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 #ProLifeSunday: Happy Grandparents Day Sept 8th

The first Sunday after Labor Day is National Grandparents Day.  Since 1978 when President Jimmy Carter proclaimed it to be celebrated, this day has not had the recognition that it should have.

It was started by Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County of West Virgina, who wanted to champion the cause of the lonely elderly in nursing homes.

First Time Grandparents

I, Publius Jr, have a friend who he and his wife became Grandparents last year at this time. They hadn’t noticed the significance of the date. They have been married 35 years and this was the first time they are going to be grandparents. I suggested to record as much about themselves with their grandchild as possible because in the next 20 years of the child’s life anything could happen to them and it is beneficial to the child when they get older to be able to look back on fond memories of them.

Both sets of my grandparents were gone before I graduated high school, and I miss them.

Renew Your Connection on Grandparents Day

I’m surprised there isn’t more made of this holiday. You might hear of a variety of made up recognition days to promote some product, service, or condition, and yet Grandparents Day has been around since 1978 when President Jimmy Carter enacted the holiday.

Regardless of the lack of a hype it’s a great time to reconnect to your grandparents, or any elder who has watched you grow up, like an older neighbor. It’s time to return their interest in watching you grow up by contacting them by phone or in person. Especially on adverse weather days of excessive heat or cold, even on rainy or snowy days. Senior Citizens sometimes withdraw from society once they no longer have a paying job.

Call up your Grandparents as often as You Can

Grandparents are that life link to the past, that should never be forgotten.  This year on September 10th, try to remember that life link to the past, your Grandparents.  Call them up, they’ll be glad to hear from you even if it’s a week from now. They’ll appreciate hearing from you.

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SD 64 GOP Fun-Raiser Sept 14th with Special Guest Kendall Qualls

What: SD 64 Republicans Fun-Raiser 

When:  Saturday, September 14th, 5:00 to 8:30 PM

Where:  The Plaza community room, 2353 Youngman Ave, St Paul, MN 55116 Map

Guest Speakers: Kendall & Sheila Qualls (Take Charge); Republican Candidates May Lor Xiong CD4, Dan Walsh (HD 64A), and Peter Donahue (HD 64B)

Senate District 64 Republicans are having a fundraiser on September 14th at the Plaza in the Community Room. Special Guest Speaker Kendall Qualls and his wife Sheila will address those in attendance.  Kendall was a candidate for the 2022 Republican Nomination for Governor. He and his wife Sheila, have a foundation called Take Charge MN.

Their stated belief on their website, “TakeCharge is an organization committed to supporting the notion that the promise of America works for everyone regardless of race or social station.” excerpt from Takechargeus.com

Other Guest Speakers are the CD4 Republican Endorsed Candidate May Lor Xiong, Dan Walsh the HD 64A Candidate, as well as Peter Donahue the HD 64B Candidate.

If you haven’t given your PCR yet, and you can only do it once a year to a State Legislature Candidate, or a Political Party Unit such as SD 64 Republicans. If you would like to know more about the PCR visit the following website www.revenue.state.mn.us/political-contribution-refund

This post was reposted by permission from Peter Donahue’s website, DonahueforMN.com, it was listed on Peter’s website under the News & Events Page on the Menu, “SD 64 GOP Fun-Raiser Sept 14th with Special Guest Kendall Qualls,” on September 2, 2024. Saintpaulrepublicans.us will list political events for Republicans that take place inside the City Limits of St Paul and at a reasonable distance to travel from the city. We were not compensated in any way for posting this notice. If you heard about this event from this website let the Executive Officers in SD 64 GOP know you heard it from our website, we are not the SPRCC, but they copied part of our url to pretend they are us. ~~ Publius Jr.

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MAGA President Donald Trump on the Shawn Ryan Show

Note to Readers: I, Publius Jr, am a US Army Veteran. I served in Peace Time under both Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush from 1987-1989. I got out about 10 months before Desert Shield/Storm. I’m a follower of Shawn Ryan on the Shawn Ryan Show on YouTube. Mainly I follow him because he will bring on his show former Special Forces Soldiers who tell their whole stories from childhood to their service to what they are doing now. Often these Veterans will talk about their Come-to-Christ moments.

Recently Shawn Ryan has become a born again Christian, but only after airing about his vulnerabilities in dealing with PTSD, anxiety in crowds, I’ve posted those videos on this website. You can find them by searching using his name.

Too often Veterans get thanked almost as a knee-jerk reaction, and then we’re forgotten or screwed over. I get this often.

Because of Shawn Ryan, I am open about being diagnosed with Depression by the VA-Minneapolis, because it might help some Veteran out there to know that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to get help for whatever that ails you whether it’s physical, mental, or spiritual. Too often the last one, spiritual wounds, are omitted, I think because the Medical Industry & Big Pharma can make $ off of the physical and mental issues, but they can’t begin to heal like God, Jesus & Holy Spirit can.

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The DFL Mini-Donut Stand Location

10th Ward Rural Ramsey DFL Donut Booth is located to the Left of the Ramp into the Grandstand.

Be Wary of the DFL Mini-Donut Stand at the MN State Fair

The DFL Mini-Donut Stand is at Coordinates 44°58’51.5″N 93°10’25.0″W

DFL Mini-Donut Stand Satellite Map

If you buy products from this mini-donut stand you will be unknowingly (or knowingly if you are a DFLer) funding DFL Candidates through the Best Fair Foods Political Action Committee, what had been the 10th Ward Rural Ramsey County Political Committee, through 2020 when it was terminated to start under the new name.

Recent Recipients of the Donations from the Best Fair Foods PAC

  • Former Rep John Lesch 66B, who figuratively got caught with his hand in his campaign funds cookie jar for personal reasons, so it seemed; had received funds from this group’s former name indirectly in the past.
  • DFL Senate Districts 36, 39, 40, 44, 65, and 66. The incumbents from these districts get donations from their local party units, so they get mini-donut money indirectly from your patronage of the DFL Mini Donut Stand.
  • The above Districts might not mean anything, but the following State Senators might: Heather Gustafson (SD 36), Mary Kunesh-Podein (SD 39), John Marty (SD 40), Tou Xiong (SD 44), Sandy Pappas (SD 65), and Clare Oumou-Verbeten (SD 66).
  • These are the following DFL House District Representatives: Zack Stephenson (HD 36A), Brion Curran (HD 36B), Erin Koegel (HD 39A), Sandy Feist (HD 39B), Kelly Moller (HD 40A), Jamie Becker-Finn (HD 40B), Peter Fischer (HD 44A), Leon Lillie (HD 44B), Samakab Hussein (HD 65A), Maria Isa Perez-Vega (HD 65B), Chris “Leigh” Finke (HD 66A), Athena Hollins (HD 66B)

So it is up to you to be wary of this location.  With every purchase there you are helping DFLers defeat Republicans in Minnesota.


Retired Career Politician, Phyllis Kahn, DFL stands in front of the “Grandstand” Mini-Donuts.

Now these folks make a lot of money at the state fair from mini-donuts that would make the health conscious zealots cringe.  The booth is not marked as the DFL Mini Donut Stand,  there is no disclaimer on the booth as to where the money of this group goes to.

There ought to be a law that requires them to reveal who they are and where the money goes.

Rep Randy Jessup & Sen Roger Chamberlain tried to Make a Law

Almost every session of the MN State Legislature, there is a bill that Republicans put together that requires groups that raise money at the State Fair or other public events to show on a visible sign where the money goes to.  It isn’t making their operation illegal, but they want the customers to have all the information about the vendor before they make a purchase.

During the 2017 Session former Rep Randy Jessup of 42A & former Sen Roger Chamberlain SD 38 had made similar bills that were added to the Omnibus bill.  They were not signed into law by then DFL Governor Mark Dayton.

Rep Jessup did say there is a limit on the number of bags of donuts one can purchase–4 bags.  Any more than 4 you purchase they will have to make a record of it being a contribution.

This article is just to identify where the DFL Mini-Donut Stand is.  If you don’t want to give money to the DFL to defeat Republican candidates then you can find another Donut Stand, or to Sweet Martha’s Cookies which is nearby.  If you are a DFLer and you want to fundraise then that is up to you to.  It is just unethical of a party sympathizer to not be open about where their excess money goes.  This article was originally published by me on August 26, 2017. I’ve updated it with 2024 information. ~~ Publius Jr.

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