2024 #ProLifeSundays Celebrate with Your Whole Family, Friends & Colleagues Throughout the Year

Celebrating Life begins with your family, extended family, friends and colleagues.

We at saintpaulrepublicans.us would like to follow a tradition started by our admin Publius Jr who is the administrator since 2012.

In 2003 his father passed away in July. The attention of his aunts and uncles to him and his siblings during the initial bereavement period needed some sort of recognition. So the next year in 2004 he let his aunts and uncles know that he appreciated them in his life. He also created Aunts and Uncles day in July the 2nd Sunday to say thanks. It was actually very close to the birthday of one of his 4 uncles.

He noticed that siblings or cousins were not recognized so he started up Brothers, Sisters & Cousins day the 2nd Sunday of August. Some say there is a day in April for that but what can one really do in the month of April; no one picnics/BBQs in April. You can do more on a warm August Sunday.

So when He started in late May 2012 as the administrator of this site he wrote articles promoting the Family days of Mothers, Fathers, Aunts & Uncles, Brothers-Sisters & Cousins, and Grandparents Days. He hoped the new holidays would catch on everywhere.

In 2017 He started calling these holidays #PROLIFESundays. He wanted to include Friends & Colleagues Day in October 2017 but his self-imposed deadline for that article came and went as he scrambled to post Candidate Election articles.

Why celebrate a day for Friends & Colleagues? On an average day you spend a third of your day with your colleagues at work; and friends give you advice and give you some breathing space in forms of athletic outings or fun activities. Let’s face it not everyone is married and friends are the life line for many single people. Paul had Barnabas, and Jesus had 12 main disciples who were friends and also his colleagues. Life would be so bland without your friends. So why not say thank you to them for enriching your life?

Why #ProlifeSundays?

We Christian Conservative Republicans see nurturing and supporting life as natural as breathing. Those who mislabel themselves as Pro-Choice are really Anti-Life. You see Anti-Life in many things they do: making healthcare decisions for you; putting government concerns before you; stealing your salary in incremental bits called taxes and spending it on programs that take your “choices” away from you; and putting unelected judges as governors over the elected Representatives, Senators, State Governors, and our President. We are actually “Pro-Choice” as in the idea of allowing you to decide on how to live your life without the government meddling in your affairs. As for reproductive rights as the Anti-Life people refer to, we believe you have a choice on whether to engage in risky behavior outside of your marriage or before it that possibly might result in a pregnancy. You can refrain from letting your passion take over in those circumstances especially if you’re not married.

Lately the Anti-Life People have been pushing their new morality of same sex marriages and self identifying themselves as the opposite gender than they were born as. Now they add surgical “gender affirming care,” aka mutilation of minors who don’t need parental notification, nor do they get informed consent before they are forever changed whether they change their minds or not to embrace their new life choice. They are choosing to be sterile based upon lies and encouragement from really demented demon possessed people. If one decides they want to give up that lifestyle it is against the law now to provide counseling to receive “conversion therapy.”

Easter, or Resurrection Day is the ultimate celebration of Life as Jesus Christ conquered death for us.

So Celebrate Life with your family & friends in everything you do.

Dates of #PROLIFESundays:

March 31          Resurrection (Easter) Day
May 12              Mother’s Day
June 16             Father’s Day
July  14             Aunts’ & Uncles’ Day
August 11         Brothers, Sisters & Cousins Day
September 8  Grandparents Day
October 20      Friends & Colleagues Day

Father’s Day this year falls on another Pro Life Holiday of Juneteenth Weekend. A day that commemorates Texas slaves finally hearing they were set free by President Abraham Lincoln on June 19, 1865, almost 2 months after his death and 2 and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation (an Executive Order by Lincoln) was given.  It is a celebration of freedom from a life of bondage.

In November there is a #ProLifeThursday on Thanksgiving where most people give thanks for their God given blessings, their family and job; eat well, and watch football.

In December saintpaulrepublicans.us celebrates the entire month the history and contributions of Christians in American History.

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