Stew Peters’ Documentaries are Exposing the Lies & Danger of the Jab

On November 21, 2022, The Stew Peters Show had a premiere of their latest documentary entitled, “Died Suddenly.”  The documentary talks about something doctors and funeral directors and embalmers have come across during their jobs. Some really disgusting blood clots that look more like space aliens from Star Trek than something naturally occurring in the human body.

Of course there is the usual crowd of “debunkers,” and “fact-checkers,” who say there is no scientific evidence in the claims. Though science has no agenda and one can use the scientific method to test the theories that are brought up in the documentaries below.  These are from Bitchute, there are versions but they tend to mess up the format of this website. It may have appeared on YouTube but those are subject to being banned and you get that little blue censor box below telling you the real “facts.”

One of our admins at has a BS in Aerospace Engineering and says the engineering method is similar to the scientific method and says the first step in either is observing something, then making a guess or theory of what is going on, then testing the theory to see if that’s what is occurring. If not then you repeat the cycle all over again until theory matches with what is being observed. In the Government’s claim that vaccines are safe just isn’t agreeing with what is being observed by those who take the jab and those that don’t.  If you think Covid is still dangerous and you may think that if you want see our post by Whistleblower Nurse Erin (click here).

Use your critical thinking when you watch the “Died Suddenly,” and the, “Watch the Water,” documentaries. Make up your own mind.  Don’t accept what people are telling you just because of who they are. ~~ Publius Jr.

Died Suddenly (Nov 21, 2022)

The claims in the next documentary suggests that Covid is from a form of snake venom. These are the claims by the people in the documentaries. Feel free to research these claims on your own.  Yet there are researchers who do talk about how Covid is monitored at water treatment plants, one local one is David H Montgomery. He has worked for St Paul Pioneer Press as their political reporter, Minnesota Public Radio, and now he works as a data journalist for the Federal Reserve in Minneapolis.

How does Covid get into wastewater? David is a great reporter, and he enjoys maps and graphs.

Like we said earlier observe and test your theories on what is going on. Don’t accept an untested claim by anyone especially those that stand to profit off your fear.

Watch the Water (March 22, 2022)

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