Ryan Montgomery: Ethical Hacker Hunts Child Predators Online

The above video runs 2:48 Hours and the subject of the article doesn’t start until 1:34 Hours into it. In that time Shawn Ryan asks Ryan Montgomery about Ryan’s background–his drug abuse, and about cyber security online. Ryan who is currently 29, started a drug rehab at 22, and now for the last 2 years he has been catching child predators with a MMA Fighter Dustin “Scrappy” Lampros on his YouTube Channel 561 PC (PC short for Predator Catchers or Pred Catchers).

It’s a long video so if you want to skip Ryan Montgomery’s Bio, Cyber Security skills, and go straight into his work catching Online Child Predators here are the time Stamps on the 2 hr and 48 minute video:

Time    Description

11:40      Introduction to what Ryan Montgomery does online

16:00     Bio, School Drop Out, Drug abuse

20:00    Hacking Computers

35:00     Setting up a Treatment Center in South Florida at the age of 22

49:19 to 52:02 Commercial for Moinkbox.com with Shawn Ryan’s discount at Moink (We don’t get any compensation for posting this link, nor do we subscribe to the service).

52:02 to 53:38 Commercial for HVMN Ketone IQ HVMN.com Promo Code Shawn (we don’t get any compensation for posting this link, nor do we use this product)

* This is what happens when YouTube doesn’t monetize or share the ad revenue with Video Channel producers. They tend to have annoying special sponsors. This is an article for another day about modern day slavers.

53:38    PenTester.com (online penetration tester) to check for cyber security vulnerability

1:07:05   What is the Dark Web?

1:11:42    Vulnerabilities Hackers can exploit

1:26:34   5 Simple things you can protect yourself from Hackers

1:27:40   How to Protect from Spammers and Phishers (you can’t)

1:29:34 to 1:32:35 Commercial for Lear Capital (We don’t get compensated by them either) You can find them online.

1:32:35 to 1:33:56 Commercial for Mud WTR Promo Code SHAWNMUD (Again no compensation for posting the link. Shawn mentions his psychedelic trip video, he drinks this instead of coffee)

**Warning! The Shawn Ryan Show has bleeped out and blurred the parts of the interview that are graphic in detail, and mentions specific websites. He also demonetized the video in hopes YouTube wouldn’t pull it. Just from some of the sentences that remain after bleeping it kind of gives you the idea of what’s going on. It is some real sick stuff that the Democrats in California and Minnesota want to make legal for what Pedophiles call themselves now: Minor Attracted Persons or (MAP).

1:34:00    Ryan Montgomery talks about Hunting Child Predators Online

1:43:47     What happened when he contacted the Exploited Children Tip line, and News Stations in his area including Fox, and influencers like Candace Owens and others (who didn’t respond). He assumed the FBI was working on this for a long time.

Ryan said after the reporters who were eager to report on it talked to their legal departments he was told they weren’t allowed to do reports. Ryan then said to leave the legal stuff out of it and do a general story on the website and how to protect children online and they ignored him.

This was when he went to Project Veritas with all his information and they listened to him. Not until then did the other News Stations want to cover this, which says a lot about the News.

1:45:55   What did Law enforcement do?

Ryan mentions after talking to his attorney they had to contact an attorney in Virginia as a Democratic Politician who ran for Congress twice, his name is Nathan Larson, owned the site with the 7000 child predators on it.

1:47:24  Shawn Ryan reads a quote from former Congressional Candidate Nathan Larson [from FEC.Gov it lists this candidate as a Libertarian who last ran for Congress in 2008]. Shawn Ryan mentions code words Nathan Larson used were “Cheese Pizza, Cooking, and Pizza.”

1:50:26  What happened to Libertarian Nathan Larson who owned that website. 6 months after Ryan hacked his website they caught Nathan Larson in Denver with a girl he had kidnapped. He went to prison and died of starvation.

1:52:34   When did 561 PC start?

1:57:44   What happen during the first time 561 PC caught someone?  Check out the video at this link here.  They catch a guy who is waiting in Wal-Mart in Del Ray Florida. They talk to him and eventually the Police they called come to arrest him. Ryan says the State Attorney’s Office threw out the case because of a technicality.

2:00:38  Ryan shows how quickly a child predator will contact what they believe is a child online. So they make a fake account name on a site called TeenChat (as the top left of the screen says).

2:14:19   Ryan Montgomery says it is unfortunate that there are States that are normalizing Pedophilia to become a sexual orientation like California. [Minnesota Democrats aka DFL are trying to get it normalized as an amendment in a Public Safety Omnibus Bill]

2:18:00  Are there apps that help parents monitor their children’s activity online?

2:21:46 to 2:23:50  Last Commercial Break for Vigilance Elite Patreon a paid subscription content website. There are 3 levels of access.

2:25:00   Shawn Ryan reads a report about Governor Gavin Newsom of California passing a bill in October 2020 that would allow judges to determine to list someone as a sex offender if they had sex with a minor. [All the “fact checker” websites says the law doesn’t legalize pedophilia]. They basically lowered the ago of consent for this to 14 and it has to be consensual.

Then states that in April 2023 Governor DeSantis of Florida has signed a bill that allows juries to impose the death penalty even if all jurors do not agree and the death penalty on someone who has been convicted of sexual battery on someone younger than 12.

2:37:00   Statistics about Human Trafficking

2:38:50   Call to Action to combat this ongoing problem

Electronics Everyday Carry (EDC)

Everyday Carry is a term you hear when people talk about personal defense items. In the 2A world one might hear about Pepper Stream, a knife, a whistle, Personal Locator Beacon, Recco Apparel, a tourniquet, a compass, spare ammunition magazines, and a concealed carry pistol.

What does an Ethical Hacker like Ryan Montgomery carry for EDC?

Shawn Ryan interviews him on what a hacker thinks is essential items to carry everyday.

It’s a short half hour video so I won’t time stamp anything.

As stated above, this website saintpaulrepublicans.us does not get compensated in any way for the links or the ads in the videos. We’re just posting it as a courtesy and it is important as our government doesn’t seem to want to pursue and prosecute sexual predators especially the child predators online.

Ryan Montgomery had to go to Project Veritas to get anyone to listen to him, and only then when they exposed this to the public did news stations and the FBI want to get involved.  That needs to change. Contact your legislators and ask them why they have caved to the LGBTQaTOz agenda and even though there might be a gays against groomers group (homosexuality isn’t right either) it’s just different shades of moral relativism at play. Their mosh pit of immorality fosters this garbage. ~~ Publius Jr.

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