Dean Phillips Could Be in Hot Water with American Indians

November is National American Indian Heritage Month. We at like to post stories about American Indians who have overcome adversity and prejudice to excel at their talents to help others out.

This year Minnesota is poised to elect a Lt Governor who has ancestry rooted in the original people who lived on the land before Europeans and others came to settle it permanently.  We would like to see Donna Bergstrom be that Lt Governor.  It could happen as we have learned of how a prominent Democrat for Congress has swept cultural insensitive incidents under the rug hoping no one would notice them.

The challenger, to incumbent Rep Erik Paulsen, Dean Phillips is hoping no one will notice it, or maybe it’s just a coincidence, though two coincidences might be stretching belief.

Incident #1: Investing in the Dakota Access Pipeline 

The first incidence is Dean Phillips’ investment in Dakota Access Pipeline.  As reported in Bill McMorris’ January 25, 2018 Washington Free Beacon article “Environmentalist Millionaire Candidate Heavily Invested in Fossil Fuels.”

While pretending to be pro-environment and for a carbon tax he is making money on fossil fuels.  He had the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) do ads attacking Rep Erik Paulsen and President Trump.

Incident #2: The Walker Art Center’s Scaffold “Sculpture”

To much fanfare in late May 2017 the Walker Art Center unveiled the Los Angeles artist Sam Durant’s “Scaffold” at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden known for sculptures such as this Minnesota favorite Spoonbridge & Cherry.

Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Spoonbridge and Cherry.

*Due to the Nature of the Sensitivity of this subject we will not show the picture of the “Sculpture” known as “Scaffold.”

The incredible insensitivity of the people who paid money for this to be built boggles the mind. It is the Elitist Nature of those involved that makes it all the more outrageous.

How does Dean Phillips fit into this controversy?

Dean Phillips was a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Walker Art Center from September 2015 to June of 2017 (source is from Dean Phillips LinkedIn Profile).  His departure seems odd at a time of highest scrutiny.  Maybe it was just a coincidence he left.

How does this elect Donna Bergstrom to be Lt Governor? The cast of characters of the Minnesota DFL Party’s Statewide & Congressional Candidates show a self-centered group who will not hold their candidates accountable like Keith Ellison or properly vett candidates like Phillips, Feehan, Omar and Radinovich. We like Donna’s Marine Corps discipline and accountability that which is lacking from the #StatusQuoParty the DFL.

Dean Phillips has some explaining to do.



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