The Smoking Gun: Sidney Powell Explains the Crime of the Century

Sidney Powell a member of President Trump’s Legal Team, General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Federal Prosecutor, best selling author, and a prominent appellate attorney explains the Crime of the Century.

It has to do with the Dominion voting machines and the software used that has helped decide elections for “interested parties” wishing to win despite actual results. The Smoking gun is from a first hand witness to the voter fraud of the Smartmatic software that would change the vote of a voter without it being tracked to a specific voter even if the voter used a thumbprint to indicate who they are.

The witness saw this in the Venezuelan Election of Hugo Chavez in 2006, and again in 2013. The witness said they were in a room with readouts of real time data showing the results. The candidate’s team could change the vote in areas when they seemed to be losing.

The Smartmatic Chairman is Admiral Peter Neffenger who is on the Transition Team for Joe Biden. Neffenger is a former US Coast Guard Commander who served under President Obama as the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from July 2015 to January 20, 2017 the day when President Trump was inaugurated.

Sidney Powell said the CIA had to know about this voting system as it is run by Cuban, Venezuelan and Communist money.  It has been used to change Elections all over the world. She said that the voting systems were tied together via the internet and in the case of the Venezuelan elections when one side was losing they shutdown the internet so they could adjust the software to change the outcome. It took roughly 2 hours to accomplish this task.

Lou Dobbs says the FBI is investigating this election.

I, Publius Jr, was on the Ramsey County Elections Absentee Ballot (AB) Board and witnessed the crash of the SVRS (State Voter Registration System) and the inability of Election workers to process Absentee Ballots on October 31st, Halloween. I had to vote by AB that day, my vote plus 317 Votes cast via AB that day at 90 Plato Blvd Saint Paul MN instead of the Direct Balloting where you feed your ballot into the reader, were misplaced until found at the Canvassing recently.

Was the SVRS crash related to the Smartmatic ability to shutdown a system? No one knows at this time or if it was a separate unrelated incident, though it seemed fishy as it was within 24 hours of the 8th Circuit Appeals Court ruling on AB cutoff.

There was a video posted on Twitter showing how votes were taken from MN voters who cast their ballots for 3rd party candidates and added to the Biden totals for the state. Does this affect other races too such as the Jason Lewis campaign? I will try to find the video and post it here. will follow this continuing story. Will the Biden Campaign Concede soon?

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