News Blackout on Vaccine Injuries Needs to End

In October when posting the article, “Whistleblowers, Scientists who Disagree with Science of The Virus & the Vaccines Effectiveness,” I, Publius Jr, had contacted a local newspaper reporter about John O’Looney’s experiences with his claims of a false narrative of the pandemic and the vaccinations.  John O’Looney is a Funeral Director in Milton Keynes, England and if you remember he was saying the pandemic seemed to attack nursing homes only and he had suspicions some residents had been euthanized instead of dying from SARS COV2. Later he noticed the uptick in deaths he believed were from the vaccines administered. The reporter responded with a belief more in medical professionals rather than a funeral director in England named O’Looney. Sounds like a crazy name but in England their term for crazy is “Balmy.”

As an engineer, I, tend to believe the person who has first hand experience, empirical if you will, than someone whose profession requires malpractice insurance. Science requires observations and testing of theories of something that is of an unknown nature. I laugh when non-scientists claim a “consensus of scientists” believe a certain way. One tends to think someone is hiding something when the term consensus is introduced when science is the topic.

I don’t fault the reporter, I tend to trust print media more than TV or internet media. Someone needs to show them the proof despite it being all around us. It, being Vaccine Injury, seems to have a higher incident rate than other vaccines for seasonal illnesses.

I hate to have to do the job of being a reporter as it pays very little for a lot of grief, yet I don’t get paid for being the admin for this site.

One Shot Vaccine Injuries

The video below by Dr John Campbell, who has 1.45 Million Subscribers on YouTube, is a common one that shows regular people being injured enough to sideline them from their jobs, and cause what seems like a permanent condition.  The medical professionals don’t want to admit the instantaneous nature of the SARS COV2 Vaccine causing injury. They see it but if they say something they will lose their jobs. What sort of job is so important you stay quiet even if you notice the results of administering a dangerous agent to innocent people which causes permanent injury to them?

In the Video Above, which runs for an hour and 13 minutes, a website is mentioned.

This website and group was set up by the concerns from Ken Ruettgers when his wife Sheryl had neurological damage after her first Moderna Shot. The group C19 Vax Reactions is to document those with side effects from SARS COV2 Vaccines. Ken is a retired Super Bowl Offensive Lineman for the Green Bay Packers who started to collect stories of other people besides his wife Sheryl who started to show major illnesses after receiving one of the many vaccines to guard against the virus.

What Are Pro-Vaccine Professionals Hiding?

In 1986 there was a law passed that allowed companies that produce vaccines to be free from lawsuits for the side effects and injuries vaccines incur.  This one law allows companies to hurt, maim, or kill people, usually children without accountability for their actions.

No company should have this “Get out of Responsibility,” card and yet Big Pharma does.

If they do have this card, then why are their allies in Big Tech threatening, censoring, and outright lying to the public about the effective nature of their vaccines and other medicines?  They spend billions of dollars on creating medicines to help people, and if there are adverse side effects that affect a small portion of the population but not all of their patients then they want more return on their investment.  People have become dollar signs to them and their only concern seems to be how much money they can make from them while they are alive.

It feels a bit like when Sony introduces a newer generation of their game console, the Playstation, they hide all the defects and other issues that might affect sales. I recall the horrible, “Disk read error,” of the Playstation 2 they didn’t bother to tell consumers about. Reporters seemed to have been silent then too. Sony should have recalled all the machines that had this issue, but they didn’t.  They did offer to fix it for free, but only if you ran into that issue. Then they redesigned their machine to be more like the original Playstation with a flip top.

Why aren’t Reporters doing their Jobs?

One of the biggest casualties of the “Pandemic,” was the Truth. While the Truth is still happening, reporting about it or asking the questions that lead to the Truth are forbidden.  You can be de-platformed, threatened, banned from some websites. And yet print and TV media doesn’t seem affected. If you go to totalitarian countries around the globe you can expect the press to be completely toothless and have an appearance of reporting the news, but they really are pushing the government propaganda. Why are reporters in the US and other Western countries completely on board with the government and Big Pharma?  That’s a good question.  It probably has something to do with the investors in a newspaper or TV Station more than good journalism.  Just as I said the reporters are good what happens after they submit a story is very interesting.  Many newspapers have downsized and some have turned off the printing machines for good.

The Rest of the Story…

Listening to the victims of the SARS COV2 Vaccine, most are Pro-Vaccine and Pro-Science. It is heartbreaking to hear the awful existence these once healthy people have to endure each day.  They want to research why this happened to them. The Truth will make you very angry. I’ve been researching and fact-checking accounts of professionals who have an idea of what is going on, and these Vaccine Injuries are not mistakes, they are deliberate.

Every aspect of what has happened since the “Pandemic” started has been planned and war-gamed to determine how to thwart those who might want to counter the plan.  The best way to halt this is to stop getting the vaccine, or any booster. Refuse testing and mandates of any sort.  Feel free to wear a mask, but it won’t stop the virus. The Variants, as they call them are not any mutation of the virus but rather vaccine injury.  Also the virus and “vaccine,” did not come from Red China initially, the SARS COV2 virus was patented by CDC employees in April 2004.  The vaccine took longer than 9 months to create, and the work probably started right after the patent was sought.

Demand more of the news agencies out there.  Many repeat what other sources print or show. If the TV News continues to promote the vaccine then campaign to end their FCC license to broadcast. Write a Letter to the Editor. Feel free to protest outside the local newspaper.  You still have the right to protest under the 1st amendment, but keep it civil.

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